UK Phone Numbers 101

Have you ever wondered what those different series on the caller id mean? There are different number series like 0800, 090, 0870, 020, etc.

What makes each series different? Why should you keep a track of them? Want to know answers for these questions?

Let us compare the different numbers, their uses and an approximate cost estimate, to understand better.

01 & 02 Phone Numbers

Geographic numbers that are designated for specific UK locations and used by homes or businesses start with 01 or 02. London is 020, Edinburgh is 0131, so one and so forth. Calls from landlines are 9p/min, mobile 8 – 40p/min (varies with your provider and plan chosen). When using landlines, there’s an additional charge called call set-up fee, which varies depending on what hour of the day you are calling and specific hours are free. Most landline providers charge 15 pence for connecting calls, though it can vary with the provider.

03 Phone Numbers

03 numbers are used as an alternative for 08 numbers, which are considered expensive. Calls to 03 numbers are similar to that of 01 or 02 numbers and are included in the discount allowances or call minutes, like regular calls. Landlines are charged 9p/min, and mobiles are charges 8 – 40p/min. If you have free minutes, these calls must be included in those minutes.

There are different series in 03 numbers, each with different qualification criteria or uses.

030 series is reserved for non-profit organizations, public firms and charities and ensure consumers have one-point contact across the nation. BBC, RSPCA, Met Police, Oxfam and Relate are few examples for firms or government departments that use 030 series.

As mentioned earlier, calls to these numbers are similar to that of 01 or 02 numbers and are included in the discount allowances or call minutes, like regular calls. Landlines are charged 9p/min, and mobiles are charges 8 – 40p/min. If you have free minutes, these calls must be included in those minutes.

07 Series Phone Numbers for Mobiles

Calls made to mobiles are charged at 6 – 32p/min when they’re from landlines and aren’t included in free minutes. The charges vary based on the plan you have chosen, if you use your mobile phone for calling. The cost varies from 8 – 40p/min depending on your provider. If your mobile provider allows free minutes and you call 07 numbers from your mobile, it is included in free minutes.

070 Phone Numbers – Personal

They’re different from other mobile numbers and call charges to these numbers are pricier. There’s a “follow me” service option to forward calls from an alternate number, which comes in handy for businessmen and sole traders when they want to have their calls routed to one number. These numbers are one-off basis, which means, they aren’t advertised or revealed.

Calls to 070 numbers range from 4 – 65p/min from landlines (can incur call set-up fees, which could be up to 51p) and 30p - £1.50 /minute when called from mobile.

08 numbers – Freephone numbers, 0800 and 0808 Phone Numbers

Many businesses and some government departments use Freephone numbers, like Age UK (charity), RNID (charity), Jobseeker’s Allowance (government department), etc. Calls are free when dialed from landlines, though mobile providers may charge a fee.

Mobile providers must deliberately announce that callers will be charged, before the connection is through. The announcement might not explicitly state the charges. Mobile providers usually charge 7 – 40p/min, though some mobile providers don’t charge for charities anymore. It is a good idea to check with you mobile provider.

0500 Phone Numbers

These numbers cost like 0800 or 0808 series when dialed from mobile phones.

08 Series, Charged, Business Rate Phone Numbers

Both small and large businesses use these numbers for customer service, sales or enquiries, while some opt as pay-as-you-go Internet service.

0843 and 0844 Phone Numbers

Calls to these numbers vary between 1 – 13p/min from landlines and additional call set-up charges apply. When called from mobiles, it is 5 – 41p/min, depending in the provider.

0845 Phone Numbers

Calls to these numbers cost 1 – 12p/min from landlines and additional set-up fees apply. Mobile providers can charge anywhere from 5 – 4-p/min.

0870 Phone Numbers

Calls from landlines cost same as 01 or 02 numbers, along with an additional 10p in call set-up charges. When called from other landline providers it could cost up to 12p/min and call set-up fee. When called from mobiles, it can vary from 5 – 40p/min.


Calls usually cost 11 – 15p/min from landlines and call set-up fee can be levied additionally. When called from mobile, charges could vary from 5 – 40p/min. PhonepayPlus* usually monitors calls to these numbers to protect callers. For more information check here:

118 Directory Enquiry Numbers

Calls made to directory enquiry numbers (typically start with 118) could vary based on your phone provider. Mostly, a connection charge and per minute charges apply, though it can vary based on your provider.

Mobile – landline one-off charge could be 50p - £4 and additionally, per minute charges of up to £5 can be levied. PhonepayPlus* regulates these numbers and providers explicitly reveal their charges in adverts.

Premium Numbers

09 series or premium numbers cost anywhere from 9p - £1.69/min or for a call from landlines, though some landline providers charge up to £2.95/min or per call. Mobile providers charge anywhere from 75p - £3/min or per call.

*PhonepayPlus (originally called ICSTIS) monitors phone-paid services within UK. Premium rate services and goods that you purchase paying additionally towards phone bill or pre-pay account are monitored by PhonepayPlus and you can know more information it here:

09 series is usually used for TV voting, competitions, chat lines, horoscope, adult lines, professional counseling service, recorded information, etc. However, you have an option to disable calling premium numbers in your mobile, similar to how you can block other numbers. These numbers are monitored by PhonepayPlus*.

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